speak with forked tongue / fɔrkt, ˈfɔr kɪd /


speak with forked tongue 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a fork or fork-like branches.
  2. zigzag, as lightning.

speak with forked tongue 近义词

speak with forked tongue

等同于 fib

更多speak with forked tongue例句

  1. It was during this period that these proto-snakes evolved one of their most iconic traits—a long, flicking, forked tongue.
  2. Unlike lizards, when snakes collect odor molecules in the air to smell, they oscillate their forked tongues up and down in a blur of rapid motion.
  3. Omar’s older brother, Nabil, has stayed behind to fight for his country, and it becomes clear that the brothers’ forked paths have caused a rift between them.
  4. The paper apologized and forked over an undisclosed sum in “damages.”
  5. The investors typically forked over $12,500 or $25,000 to the salesmen, says the complaint.
  6. They would rather touch their mouths with their little forked instruments than with their fingers.
  7. One commenter summed up these sentiments: forked tongue: You mean you think any of us actually [i]watched[/i] it?
  8. In addition, pension funds forked over $1.7 billion in fees during the 2000s, according to a New York Times study.
  9. There chanced to be a forked tree close at hand, to which the major rushed and scrambled up with amazing rapidity.
  10. The next instruments discovered in use among the Indians were straight, hollow reeds and forked canes.
  11. People used to say that she forked the mine better than two of Boulton and Watt's 80-inch cylinder engines.
  12. Out darted his forked tongue in anger, just as two arrows entered his body and ended his life.
  13. He never left the mine until the engine worked better than ever before, and forked the water to the bottom of the mine.